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With 2025 around the corner, many of us begin to reflect on 2024 and begin thinking about how we are going to improve our lives in the New Year. New Year's resolutions often include increasing exercise or fitness, saving money or improving your diet. However, it is equally important to think about our hearing health during this time. As we enter 2025, make a commitment to prioritise your hearing health. Here are some practical ways you can stay on top of your hearing and ear health this year. The number one way you can look after your hearing is to schedule

The festive season is a time of celebration, joy and connection with friends and family. For those who wear hearing aids, this is an important time of year to ensure your devices are functioning optimally to enjoy the festive season. During this time of year, hearing aids can allow those with hearing loss to easily and effectively communicate and connect with those around them. Here is a guide to assist you in preparing your hearing devices so that you don't miss any conversation, laughter or music this festive season. Most importantly, before the holidays begin, book in for an appointment with

Good hearing is essential for a child to develop lifelong skills such as communication,language, and social interaction. Hearing tests for children are important in ensuringappropriate hearing development while preventing hearing-related issues throughout life.Untreated hearing loss can have detrimental impacts on a child's ability to learn, grow, andmeet their developmental milestones. Early detection and intervention of hearing loss arecrucial in preventing more serious hearing-related challenges later in life. There are signs tolook out for that can help with the early detection of hearing loss in children. From birth, children learn about their world through the sounds they hear. Hearing plays afundamental role

In the realm of audiology, achieving the best possible outcomes for patients requires a meticulous adherence to best practices. Best Practice Audiology represents a gold standard approach, encompassing a series of verified protocols that ensure each individual receives optimal hearing aid selection, fitting, and ongoing care. This comprehensive approach begins with a thorough assessment and extends into personalised fitting, education, and support, all aimed at maximizing the benefits of hearing aids. At Focus Hearing, we are proud to be one of the first clinics in Australia to join the HearingUp Network, a global community of independent audiologists committed to these

Ear wax, medically known as cerumen, often evokes a sense of discomfort or annoyance. However, this naturally occurring substance plays a crucial role in maintaining ear health. Understanding the significance of safe and effective ear wax removal is essential for ensuring optimal hearing and preventing potential complications. The Role of Ear Wax Ear wax is produced by glands in the ear canal and serves multiple purposes: 1. Protection: It acts as a natural barrier, preventing dust, dirt, and other foreign particles from entering the ear canal. 2. Moisturisation: Ear wax helps moisturise the skin of the ear canal, preventing dryness and itchiness. 3. Antibacterial properties:

As technology continues to advance, so do the capabilities of hearing aids. For those with hearing loss, these advancements offer the promise of clearer sound, improved connectivity, and enhanced comfort. However, deciding when to upgrade your hearing aids can be a daunting task. Understanding the signs that indicate it may be time for an upgrade and the benefits of embracing the latest innovations in hearing aid technology is crucial for maintaining optimal hearing health. Signs it's Time for a Hearing Aid Upgrade 1. Decreased performance: Over time, hearing aids may lose their effectiveness due to wear and tear or changes

In the realm of audiology and hearing assistance, Oticon stands as a pioneering force, continually pushing the boundaries of innovation to enhance the lives of individuals with hearing impairments. Their latest hearing aid platform, Oticon Intent, epitomises their commitment to technological advancement and user-centric design. In this comprehensive review, we delve deep into the features and benefits of Oticon Intent, exploring how it's reshaping the landscape of hearing aid technology. Understanding Oticon Intent At its core, Oticon Intent is more than just a hearing aid; it's a testament to the fusion of

Our bodies are complex ecosystems, where the health of one system can profoundly impact another. While we often consider heart health and hearing health as separate entities, emerging research suggests a strong interconnection between the two. Understanding this link not only sheds light on the importance of holistic healthcare, but also underscores the significance of proactive measures in maintaining overall well-being. The Surprising Connection Recent studies have revealed a significant association between cardiovascular health and hearing function. The inner ear is a delicate organ that relies on robust blood flow to function optimally. Any compromise in circulation, as seen in conditions like

In the grand orchestration of life, our senses play a vital role in composing the melodies of our experiences. Among these, hearing stands as a cornerstone, enriching our interactions with the world around us. However, for many individuals, the symphony of sound may begin to fade due to hearing loss. Fortunately, advancements in technology have led to the creation of hearing aids, devices that not only restore lost sounds but also amplify the quality of life in profound ways. Imagine a world where whispers are lost, music lacks its resonance, and conversations become muffled murmurs. This is the reality for millions

In the symphony of life, our ability to hear plays a pivotal role in connecting us to the world around us. However, the implications of hearing loss extend beyond the immediate challenge of impaired communication; they reach into the complex realms of cognitive health. Recent research has shed light on the profound connection between hearing health and cognitive decline, emphasising the importance of preserving our hearing as a safeguard for mental acuity. The research speaks: A link unveiled Numerous studies have surfaced, unravelling the intricate relationship between hearing health and cognitive function1. One notable study found that hearing loss is no longer