Earwax Removal
Microsuction in Sydney and the Central Coast – The Simplest and Safest Way To Remove Earwax
Why Choose Focus Hearing for
Your Earwax Removal?

Experience – we have been safely removing earwax for over 20 years.

Best Practice Audiology Process – ensuring your optimum hearing health.

Effective – microsuction earwax removal is considered the most efficient and effective way of removing wax.

Hygiene – we only use ‘single-use’ sterilised equipment for ear cleaning.

You get to see before-and-after photos of your ear canal.

Experienced microsuction earwax removal for adults and children (6+ years of age)

We allow plenty of time to perform the microsuction earwax procedure.
First, The Background Information
It is important to remember that a small amount of wax (the technical term is ‘cerumen’) in the ear canal is actually a good thing. Wax helps trap dust and debris from reaching the eardrum, and it has also been shown to have an antibacterial effect.
Ears are generally self-cleaning. That is, if left alone, small amounts of earwax will migrate out of the canal where you may see it and be able to remove it with your finger. However, this does not mean you have an ear full of wax, your ears are ‘dirty,’ or you need earwax cleaner.
If you then try to remove the wax by sticking something down your ear canal (the most common being a cotton tip), you will simply push the wax further into the canal. Despite thinking you are cleaning it (because you saw some wax on the end of the cotton tip), by doing this, you are disrupting the self-cleaning action of the ear.
So Why Do We Need
To Remove Earwax?
Some people need to have professional ear cleaning to remove wax from the ear canals for a number of reasons:
- Excessive production of wax, which can cause hearing loss and ear infections.
- Very small ear canals. Therefore, they may not produce any more wax than the average person, but because there is less volume in their ear canals, they block up quicker.
- Ear canals are not straight. All ear canals have slight bends and turns, but if an ear canal has a very tight bend, it can make the self-cleaning process described above less effective.
- If a person wears hearing aids, then it is important to have clear ear canals for optimal hearing aid performance. Furthermore, the presence of the hearing aid in the ear canal disrupts the self-cleaning process.
- Excessive wearing of headphones or earphones, an issue that’s becoming increasingly prevalent in the younger generation.

Microsuction Earwax Cleaning and Removal
Overview and Preparation
Microsuction is the best earwax removal system and the preferred method for ear specialists (ENTs) and audiologists due to its safety and effectiveness. By using gentle suction, it removes the wax from the canal with no messy liquids (as is the case with ear syringing or an ear flush) or discomfort.
The audiologists at Focus Hearing are highly trained in earwax removal and have been doing so for over 20 years.
In order for the earwax removal to be successful, we recommend you use wax softening agents (earwax cleaner such as Waxsol or Cerumol), which are available from your local pharmacy. You should use these agents each evening for a few days prior to your earwax removal appointment with Focus Hearing.
EXCEPTION: Do not use wax softening agents if you knowingly have a perforation of the eardrum.
Microsuction Earwax Procedure
Microsuction involves a visual inspection of the ear canal to determine:
- Whether, in fact, the ear canal needs clearing.
- The exact position of the earwax build-up in the canal.
- The type of wax (is it dry, flaky wax or soft, sticky wax).
Then, once the initial check has been completed, your audiologist gently places the microsuction tip up against the wax, and the gentle suction allows the wax to be easily removed from the canal. Sometimes, the wax comes out in one go, but other times, the process is required to be repeated.
Microsuction Earwax Removal Appointment

We perform earwax microsuction for adults and children (6+ years of age) at our Crows Nest, Mona Vale and Central Coast (Erina) Focus Hearing clinics, and we allow 30 minutes for each earwax removal appointment. This allows enough time to discuss your requirements, visually inspect the canals and remove the wax.
At Focus Hearing, by following our Best Practice Audiology, we are dedicated to delivering optimal results for individuals driven by their sole commitment to high-quality hearing healthcare.
The initial earwax removal consultation is $135, and in most cases, this is sufficient to remove all the wax.
However, if you need to return for a further appointment, the cost for a subsequent appointment is $95. This may be the case if the earwax was not sufficiently softened prior to the appointment.
In the event that there is no earwax found on inspection, then the cost for the appointment is $55.
Earwax Removal Using Microsuction at
Focus Hearing
Microsuction is the safest and best way to clean ears of earwax for adults and children (6+ years of age).
It is safe and effective and targets the earwax directly without the use of messy liquids or forceful syringing. Our audiologists will clean the ear canal of the problem with gentle suction.
Focus Hearing has performed this procedure for over two decades, and our audiologists are highly trained in microsuction.