Not All Hearing Tests Are Created Equal
Some hearing centres will offer ‘free’ hearing tests to get you in the door. Often this is what is referred to as a ‘screening test,’ which involves someone doing a visual inspection of your ear canal (hopefully), and then doing a ‘hearing check’ under headphones.
And, before you know it, you are being recommended a hearing aid, even though you/they may have just attended for a check-up.
At Focus Hearing, we do not entice people to come and see us with the promise of ‘free’ hearing testing (after all, is anything really free). Our objective is attaining the best possible outcomes for patients who are motivated by Quality of Hearing Care, not the cheapest price, and who are seeking an independent and professional evaluation of their ear and hearing health.
And, if a hearing loss is diagnosed, you will receive a complete understanding of all of your options and whether you need to be reviewed further by your GP or ear specialist.
Yes, we charge for our hearing-test professional services. We allow 1 hour for a full diagnostic hearing test, and the hearing test cost is $185 (rebates may apply for those with a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or a DVA card holder).
The Focus Hearing Test Difference
We Listen
At the beginning of your 1-hour hearing test consultation, you will have the opportunity to explain to your audiologist any hearing issues you are experiencing and your particular listening needs. Remember, two people may have the same hearing levels, but they could have very different listening needs as they spend their time in different situations.
Our audiologist will then take a thorough look at the history of your ear health, highlighting any past medical concerns that may contribute to the audiology test results.
Ear Examination
First, your audiologist will visually inspect the status of your ear canal to ensure there is no physical blockage, such as earwax, which could prevent you from hearing well. This will also identify the health of your eardrum and advise if there is any infection in your ear canal that may need some further attention from your GP.
If significant wax is present, our audiologist at Focus Hearing has been specifically trained in the safe and effective removal of wax. And, in most cases, this can be done on the spot.
Middle Ear Test
A hearing test will measure the function of your middle ear (eardrum and middle ear bones). This measure will help to identify if there is an underlying problem with your middle ear that may be able to be treated medically. If this is the case, your audiologist will write a report to your GP or ENT specialist recommending further medical evaluation.
Diagnostic Audiogram
We then perform a full diagnostic audiogram using equipment calibrated to the latest Australian standards. An audiogram is a measure of the softest sounds you can hear at all the frequencies which are important for speech understanding.
This is done under headphones and when necessary, also bone conduction equipment, which can further identify any medical problems that may need further reviewing by your GP.
A measure of your speech perception (how clearly you hear words) is then determined. This allows us to determine whether you may benefit from amplification, and where necessary, hearing aids.
But We Don’t Stop There
Focus Hearing also uses the QuickSIN speech-in-noise test. This test is delivered under headphones, which mimic real-world situations where someone is trying to hear a person speaking in the presence of background noise (other people talking).
A hearing test on its own measures your sensitivity to sound. Whereas, the speech-in-noise test measures your functional hearing. This is a critical piece of information when being able to recommend the most suitable level of hearing aid technology. It also allows our audiologist to accurately determine how successful a hearing aid will be for you.
We have seen on numerous occasions where a patient has come to see us after being recommended ‘top of the range’ hearing aids following a ‘free’ screening test. Yet, the speech-in-noise test performed at our clinic proves they would do just as well with lower-end hearing aid technology. Therefore, saving them significant amounts of money.
We Follow Best Practice Audiology
At Focus Hearing, we’re committed to Best Practice Audiology.
Research demonstrates that this approach gives optimal hearing treatment outcomes by prioritising the quality of your care over simply providing tests and hearing aids. With Focus Hearing, you’ll become part of a well-structured and efficient system that’s dedicated to ensuring your hearing is at its absolute best.
Our specialists uphold the highest standards and leave no room for shortcuts. When you schedule an appointment with us, our undivided attention is focused entirely on you and how we can assist you in achieving the best possible outcomes for your hearing health.
Hearing Tests for Children
In addition to our adult tests, we also offer a hearing test for kids at our Crows Nest clinic.
Our hearing test for children is completed by an experienced audiologist who has experience working with young people and will look at what is the cause of the hearing problem. The child hearing test is suitable for children 6 years of age and older.
Signs that your child needs a hearing test for children:
- Poor speech development.
- Don’t understand what you say.
- Lots of ear infections.
- Rub, pull, or poke their ears a lot.
- Are alone with no friends.
- Turn up the TV and music volume frequently.
- Say ‘what’ all the time.
- Poor behaviour, concentration, and frustration.
- Ear issues run in the family.
- Tilt their heads, always turn towards you, or concentrate on your face when you speak to them.
In addition to our adult tests, we also offer a hearing test for kids at our Crows Nest clinic.
Our hearing test for children is completed by an experienced audiologist who has experience working with young people and will look at what is the cause of the hearing problem. The child hearing test is suitable for children 6 years of age and older.
Signs that your child needs a hearing test for children:
- Poor speech development.
- Don’t understand what you say.
- Lots of ear infections.
- Rub, pull, or poke their ears a lot.
- Are alone with no friends.
- Turn up the TV and music volume frequently.
- Say ‘what’ all the time.
- Poor behaviour, concentration, and frustration.
- Ear issues run in the family.
- Tilt their heads, always turn towards you, or concentrate on your face when you speak to them.
Other Services
We also provide other services on top of the hearing test for adults and hearing test for kids:
- Pilot assessments — as required by the CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority).
- Hearing tests for eligible pensioners (Hearing Services Program).
- Pre-employment medical assessments.
- WorkCover (workers compensation) assessments.
- Dept of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) assessments.
- Swim plugs.
- Musician earplugs.
- Noise protection.
- Sleeping earplugs.
- Cerumen (earwax) removal.
- Tinnitus treatment.
If you’re wondering where to get a hearing test or other services, you should speak to Focus Hearing.
Hearing Tests From an Independent Hearing Clinic
Focus Hearing gives you a complete understanding of your hearing ability through a consultation, including looking at your hearing history, health, and a full diagnostic test.
This is the only proper way how to check hearing loss, not with a quick 15-minute ‘screening test’ offered by some centres.